For many years we have made users or clients wait for updates. Whether we are trying to save those updates to roll into an update package or they are insignificant in our eyes, we have been very self-serving. Sometimes we will make a change in the client's account to fix a significant bug or problem, and then we will make the change in the base product. The latter is used on rare occasions.
We have to be responsive to user’s needs. When they say they want a new feature or a bug fix, we need to get on it right now. If we do not see the urgency of their request, we may not have that client in the future.
On incident comes to mind. We had a client that went to look at their competitor and spent some time looking at the competitor software. This client came back to U2logic and said they saw their competitor software do drag and drop dispatch. Then they asked the $10,000.00 question: Can you do that? Unfortunately, we answered the question with maybe given enough time and money. The better answer should have been: Yes! Then wait for the client to ask how much it will cost and how long will it take. Within in a year the client went somewhere else. We cannot tell you that the above was the only reason, but it did not help our case that we did not give them what they wanted.
Mozilla is releasing Firefox every six weeks. Users are complaining that this requiring a lot of work on their side to test their software to make sure it is compatible with the new release. In one of the developer’s blog he states: "If we want the browser to be the interface for the Internet, we need to make it more like the Internet. That means delivering capabilities when they are ready."
So our position is that users/clients that are waiting sometimes years for us to get a feature may cause them to look elsewhere. Our release schedule for our XLr8Tools is 3 to 4 weeks. Our applications software is now every 4 weeks.