Somewhere in the last 7 years or so of playing with Eclipse IDE for U2 (Universe and Unidata), I have come up with a lot of ideas that did not pan out. Rather than go through all of them, let us focus on the one that was just introduced called continuous compile for our XLr8Editor.
I thought if you can see your coding errors while you type, it would help you to be a better programmer. I thought if you could see what variables are unassigned or functions you did not finish or even just bad code, this would be a game changer. I thought if programmers could save an hour a week which equated to 12 minutes a day; this would translate in a whole bunch of sales of our XLr8Editor.
Maybe the technology is too foreign or maybe the technology needs to be explained. Continuous compile does not compile your current code you are working on. It compiles a temporary version and maps the errors on to your current code every 500 milliseconds or when you stop typing. Most users of the tool do not know it even is happening until they have a typo or bad syntax.
Well, I have to admit it now, I was wrong. I thought those CIO's, IT Managers, Programmer Managers would be clamoring for tools that costs $49.00 per programmer per year including maintenance and support, but would save them hundreds of dollars per week or per month.
I still stand by the XLr8Editor for U2 databases as the only tool that really saves you money. So for those of us using this in my mind game changer we know, but the rest of you have no idea what this tool can do for you.