"Dodge a bullet" in this context is not losing you source code due to a backup failure or human error. I recently had a backup failure and I totally overwrote our entire JavaScript directory with an outdated version. Our backups had the same outdated version. So where do I go to find the missing source. I had not updated our version control in a while, so was I totally screwed?
Nope, not a all. I had made a 100 million dollar bet on a tool set called Eclipse. Our Java programming staff had created an environment within Eclipse where failure as described above was not a option. I require all of my programming staff to use XLr8Editor plug-in for Eclipse for UniBasic code editing in Universe/Unidata or in this case JavaScript.
Eclipse has this built-in mechanism that keeps at least 50 copies of your changed in a local database. All my programmer had to do was look through his or her history and use the compare editor to find when the program had been changed and merge those changes.
So while not doing the proper procedures in-house, a business decision made in 2005 saved me and my programmer a lot of heartache and recriminations. Our Java staff will have in a month or two to get a synchronization process with the database to your local workspace that requires no programmer interventions to work just like Eclipse does.
You too can get XLr8Editor for a mere $49.00 per workstation. This is money well spent when you can lose hundreds of hours of programming time by stupid mistakes which clearly I am guilty of.
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